Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turn the White House Red - We need your help!

25,000 signatures.

That's what we need by Jan. 4th for the White House to consider our petition to illuminate the building in red to honor National Wear Red Day and the American Heart Month.You know how important education and research are to fighting this country's No. 1 killer of men and women - heart disease. It's often silent, hidden and misunderstood. That's why we need you help to shine a 'red' light and bring this disease to the forefront in February.

Every signature makes a difference, so sign up and share with colleagues, friends and family today! There are a few steps, but with your help we can get there!
1. Visit our special petition page on
2. Create an account (we know, what a pain!).
3. Watch for a verification email and click on the notification.
4. Sign the petition.
5. Ask your friends, family, and co-workers to sign up!

Don’t stop there, please share this petition with friends and family!
Forward this email to your friends and family.
Once you sign the petition, promote it by using the social media section of the site to help spread the word on Facebook page or tweet the link out to your followers.
Use your connections with media. Share with neighborhood or community groups.

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