The “You’re the Cure for Healthy Kids - What’s On Your Plate?” campaign was launched by the
American Heart Association in North Carolina to support efforts to pass legislation that requires
the NC State Board of Education to adopt national nutrition standards consistent with those of
the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Healthy School Program or the National Academy of
Sciences Institute of Medicine for foods sold outside of the school meal program. This includes
foods sold in vending machines, schools stores and through other means to students.
The kickoff of the campaign took place in Charlotte at the Greater Charlotte Heart Walk,
on September 17th, reaching 14,000 people. At the “You’re the Cure” booth, participants
decorated paper plates and wrote simple messages in support of improving child nutrition
standards in schools. The statewide initiative will conduct launches in Raleigh on September 25
and Winston-Salem on October 15.
“This is such an important issue, I have two kids and my wife and I want them to grow up
healthy and strong. Having nutritious food options is one way that my kids can
live a heart healthy life.” said Juddson Rupp, Vice Chair of the NC AHA Advocacy Committee.
The 2011 Trust for America’s Health F as in Fat report ranked North Carolina as the 14th most obese state in the nation for adults and the 11th most overweight and obese state for children. Almost one out of three children is either overweight or obese. Overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight and obese adults. This increases to 80% if at least one parent is overweight or obese. They are being sentenced to a possible early future of cardiovascular disease, disability and possible death. One in twelve adolescents has high cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL).
The “You’re the Cure for Healthy Kids - What’s On Your Plate?” campaign is aimed at changing
these statistics through legislation. American Heart Association volunteers will collect plates at events throughout the year and then present them to the NC General Assembly as part of the NC You’re the Cure at the Capitol State Lobby Day in May 2012.
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