Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Save NC's Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Programs

Neil Dorsey (left) seen here with fellow advocate
Bob Smith and Rep. Van Braxton at the
2010 NC You're the Cure at the Capitol State Lobby Day
This week we celebrate Kick Butts Day, a day devoted to encouraging people not to smoke. Recently, the US Surgeon General released the 31st tobacco-related report. It describes the epidemic of tobacco use among youth and young adults. The study shows that almost no one starts smoking after age 25. Early cardiovascular damage is seen in most young smokers; those most sensitive are at greater risk of dying very young. Among youth who persist in smoking, a third will die prematurely from smoking.

North Carolina tobacco use prevention and cessation programs that began with the Health and Wellness Trust Fund will end June 30, 2012, unless our lawmakers act to continue these successful programs. Send an email now to your lawmakers urging them to continue the funding.

Neil Dorsey, Eastern NC AHA Advocacy Team Leader, told us why he is a passionate advocate for this issue:
"Tobacco prevention is always cheaper, and most effective, than treatment in the long run. Without cessation programs, we cannot adequately attack tobacco addiction. It is short sighted to not fund prevention and cessation when one looks at the long term cost, both fiscal and human. It is for these reasons that I advocate for full funding of prevention and cessation programming." 

Join Neil and tell your lawmakers that NC can't afford to let our tobacco control programs end.

Send your customizable letter now

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mark Your Calendar!

Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Advocacy Events – Register Now!

Helping you be a better advocate: Advocacy Online Workshops:

Thursday, March 29th (7-8pm): Advocacy Online Training: North Carolina Civics Register here (
Thursday, April 26th (7-8pm): Advocacy Online Training: What’s HOT for the 2012 Session Register here (

Join Us in Raleigh for State Lobby Day and Meet with Your Lawmakers:

Tuesday & Wednesday, May 29-30, 2012: North Carolina You’re the Cure at the Capital State Lobby Day RSVP here (

Important Dates for Your Calendar
Wednesday April 4, 2012: National Walking Day – Learn More:
Saturday April 21: Wilson Heart Walk
Wednesday May 16, 2012: First Day of Legislative Session
Saturday May 19, 2012: Greensboro Heart Walk
June 1 – 7, 2012 National AED/CPR Awareness Week