Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HB 2 to be Heard in Senate Health Committee This Week

We are working hard to restore HB 2 to its' original form and hope that when it is heard in the Senate Health Committee this week, it will be stronger. Help us ensure that we protect all workers from secondhand smoke exposure by sending a message now to your Senator asking him or her to support a strong HB 2. Visit www.smokefreenc.org to send your email right now!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Passage of HB2

HB2 passed in a vote of 72 to 45. While this should be a time to rejoice, the news is bittersweet. Several amendments were introduced which significantly weaken the bill and don't protect workers in North Carolina. You can find more information at http://www.rtpnet.org/alliance/pdfs/2009/Alliance_SmokeFreeWorkplaceRelease_4.2.09.pdf.

As this bill moves to the Senate, we will continue to keep you updated.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Word on the Street

Word on the street is that the House will be voting on HB 2 today. I'm listening into the House Floor from my dorm room in Chapel Hill. Right now they have been in a recess for a long time while they vote on the Board of Governors for UNC. You can access the audio at this link.


Where are you listening in from?

Update 5:24 PM- The bill has been introduced and it is being debated on the floor!

Update 5:28 PM Rep Hugh Holliman is introducing the bill. He is arguing that this bill is about protecting the health of citizens in North Carolina.
"We will have people argue this health issue is a property rights issue, a business issue, an individual rights issue. It is none of those. It is a health issue."

Update 5:32 PM Both Rep Glazier and Rep Weiss have spoken in favor of the bill. They are both sponsors of the bill, so we haven't heard from any opposition yet.

Update 5:44 PM Rep. Barnhart is telling the story of his father in law who passed away from lung cancer. He never smoked but worked in an office where smoking was allowed.
"We’re fighting for the personal freedom to live. The personal freedom to breathe. The personal freedom to make a living for your family without sacrificing everything else... I can’t do anything to bring my sweetheart's daddy back. But what I can do is work hard to prevent anyone else from living through it."

Update 6:10 PM Cary Allred is arguing against the bill. He has proposed an amendment that would not allow any workplace to allow smoking and hire people under the age of 18.

Update 6:52 PM I haven't been able to pay as much attention as I would like. When I checked a couple minutes ago Rep Pearl Burris-Floyd was speaking in support of HB2.

Update 7:08 PM Debate is still going on. No floor vote yet.