Thursday, March 26, 2009
FDA Regulation of Tobacco
The FDA is clearly the best administration to regulate tobacco. It has the ability to enforce stricter packaging restrictions that will make comsumers more aware of the dangerous chemicals present in tobacco products. But one of the most important parts of this piece of legislation is that it will hold the tobacco industries accountable for marketing to children. When 90% of current smokers began smoking before they turned 18, it is clear that tobacco use must be reduced among this young demographic to ensure their safety. It is time for the FDA to regulate tobacco products...not the tobacco companies.
Find out at...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Get Out the Vote.
Hey Y'all...Colleen Again. I just wanted to encourage you to get your friends to call or send an email to your representatives in the General Assembly. It's great that we take the initiative to do so ourselves...but think about if each of us asked one more person to do the same. We would be able to have a much greater impact. Please consider sending a facebook message or email or just talk to the people you know will support this legislation and get out the to speak.
Use this link to email your legislators
and this one to encourage your friends to do the same
Important Vote Expected Tuesday
Have you visited and sent your message to your lawmakers in support of HB2? We have updated the site and now is the time to send those messages!
We expect that House Bill 2 will be voted on in the House Judiciary 1 Committee on Tuesday March 24. Want to come and watch the vote? The Committee meets at 10:00 am in Room 1228 of the Legislative Building. Join us if you can.
Want to know what else you can do? Make a phone call to your legislator and tell him/her to support HB 2 - now is the time for a big push to make sure this legislation gets through the House of Representatives - your phone call can make the difference.
Tell your Representative to vote yes for HB 2 with no amendments to weaken the bill - everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free indoor air!
Thanks for your support!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
HB 2 to Be Heard in J-1 Today!
Members of J-1
Chairman Rep. Ross (D-Wake) SPONSOR
Vice Chairman Rep. Goodwin (D-Richmond) SPONSOR
Vice Chairman Rep. Stam (R-Wake)
Vice Chairman Rep. Stiller (R-Brunswick)
Members Rep. M. Alexander (D-Mecklenburg) SPONSOR
Rep. Blust (R-Guilford)
Rep. Bryant (R-Nash)
Rep. Hall (D-Durham) SPONSOR
Rep. Harrison (D-Guilford) SPONSOR
Rep. Insko (D-Orange) SPONSOR
Rep. Martin (D-Wake) SPONSOR
Rep. Mobley (D-Hertford)
Rep. Neumann (R-Gaston) SPONSOR
Rep. Stevens (R-Alleghany, Surry)
Rep. West (R-Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon) Roger.West@ncleg.netSunday, March 15, 2009
Got Rights?

Hey Y'all! It's Colleen. I have been talking with many people regarding this piece of legislation and have noticed that many people who oppose it are concerned about how smokers' rights are being handled and whether the government should have any power over the issue at all. So I just wanted to contribute my two cents regarding this issue.
The fact of the matter is that under this piece of legislation Everyone's rights are maintained equally under the law. The government holds the right to protect the general well being of the public with law that limits specific actions. For example, the government can regulate speed limits, conditions under which food can be cooked, and ban actions that harm others such as fighting. It is clear that like speeding, old mayonnaise, and fighting second hand smoke can severely harm your health. Smokers still maintain the right to smoke in the privacy of their homes or unopened cars without harming people who did not choose to do so.
The government also has the right to protect people in the workplace. Very strict conditions have been placed in the past on working environments. Workers cannot be subjected to dangerous chemicals or substances without safety devices. Unfortunately, such a device does not exist for secondhand smoke. It has been proven by studies conducted by the Project ASSIST coalition and other research agencies that ventilators and sectioned smoking sections do not eliminate the dangerous exposure to secondhand smoke. As the Surgeon General stated in 2006, there is no risk-free level of exposure to second-hand smoke. We need to remain consistent in our policies of protection workers by eliminating second-hand smoke in the workplace. As the economy worsens and jobs are lost, the options for job locations are diminishing. Workers simply can't decide not to work in a smoky environment anymore.
Everyone has the same rights. It is time for them to be protected. Allowing the consequences of someone else's choice to negatively affect the health of everyone is a blatant violation of our rights. Just as protesting is prohibited outside a school because it inhibits a child's ability and infringes on their right to learn, smoking must be prohibited in public places because it inhibits our ability and infringes on our right to live a long and healthy life.